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Integration Strategies: Consolidating Data for Smarter Business Decisions

The Challenge

The client, a large multi-facility senior living management company, has data siloed in multiple operational and business systems, posing several business challenges. Here are some of the key challenges they faced:

  1. Data Inconsistencies:

    • Having multiple systems means data was stored differently or inconsistently across these systems. This led to discrepancies in information, which harmed customer satisfaction, employee productivity, and overall organizational performance.
  2. Integration Complexity:

    • Integrating data from various systems for analysis was complex. Each system had its own data structure, making it challenging to create a unified view of the organization’s data.
  3. Fragmented Processes:

    • Multiple systems resulted in fragmented business processes. Employees needed to switch between systems to perform tasks, leading to inefficiencies and delays.
  4. Poor Interdepartmental Communication:

    • When data is locked away in separate systems, communication between departments becomes more cumbersome. Siloed information can hinder collaboration and decision-making.
  5. Reporting Lags:

    •  Generating reports across multiple systems was time-consuming. Delays in accessing critical information impacted strategic decision-making.
  6. Data Accuracy Challenges:

    • Ensuring data accuracy was complex when dealing with multiple systems. Inconsistencies or errors in data led to faulty analyses and decision-making.

While having multiple systems may serve specific business needs, they also create many challenges. Implementing effective data integration strategies and investing in modern business intelligence solutions helped mitigate these challenges and unlock the full potential of their data.

In summary, breaking down data silos is crucial for better collaboration, accurate decision-making, and improved business performance. Organizations should focus on integrating systems, fostering communication, and implementing effective data governance strategies to overcome these challenges.

The Solution

Data silos can indeed be a significant challenge for organizations. These isolated pockets of data hinder transparency, efficiency, and collaboration. Here are some common approaches to address this issue:

  1. Integration and Centralization:

    • Data Integration: One effective solution is integrating data from various sources into a centralized repository. This could be a cloud-based data warehouse or a data lake. By pooling all corporate data into a common format, organizations can break down silos and enable efficient analysis.
    • Integration Platforms as a Service (iPaaS): For cloud-based applications, iPaaS tools facilitate seamless integration between different systems, allowing data to flow freely across departments.
  1. Technology and Organizational Solutions:

    • Cloud-Based Solutions: Cloud technology has made centralizing data faster and easier. It streamlines the process of gathering data into a shared pool for analysis, reducing the time it takes to consolidate information.
    • Decentralized IT Services: Organizations should consider compatibility with existing systems before offering decentralized IT services where departments purchase their software. Ensuring compatibility helps prevent unintentional data silos.
    • Data Integration Software: Organizations can replicate data from various sources into a single repository (e.g., data warehouse) using data integration tools. This simplifies access and analysis, breaking down silos.
  1. Custom Software Solutions:

    • Performance One Data Solutions developed custom software to collect data across silos into a central Business Intelligence database. Microsoft PowerBI platform was used for data visualization and reporting.

The client elected to work with Performance One Data Solutions to build a cloud-based data warehouse on Azure Cloud Platform. Together, we applied several data integration strategies appropriate to the various systems. The systems being addressed included:

  • A leading platform for senior care providers (Point Click Care).
  • A leading HR platform (UKG Pro Workforce Management).
  • A leading Time and Attendance system (Kronos WFC).
  • A leading Accounting platform (Sage).

Performance One Data Solutions implemented a data repository in the Azure Cloud that included a subset of critical data from across all platforms. A data lake was established using multiple data replication and integration techniques (including Point Click Care’s proprietary PCC Data Relay utilizing Redgate Data Cloning and UKG Pro Reports-as-a-Service APIs. Integrations were automated to ensure timely updates to all data elements. Utilizing Microsoft’s PowerBI, dashboards and reports were created to develop rich data visualizations for better business decisions.

Tools included:

  • PointClickCare Data Relay – Data Relay is a feature of PointClickCare that allows providers to receive a regular feed of key EHR data from their PointClickCare database. The data is delivered on an hourly schedule and as sets of data views, which providers can import into their own databases, reporting tools, and 3rd party systems as they see fit.
  • UKG Pro APIs – The UKG Pro API (Application Programmable Interface) enables you to resolve integration needs by providing a programmatic interface to your UKG Pro data via SOAP-based and REST-based web services. The API enables the integration of UKG Pro data in a variety of use cases from API dashboards to data replication and custom reporting front ends.
  • Redgate SQL Backup – SQL Backup Pro by Redgate is a powerful tool for simplifying and automating SQL Server backups. Used in this case to facilitate the secure cloning of the Point Click Care SQL Server database to an Azure SQL Server database for reporting.
  • Microsoft PowerBI – Power BI (Business Intelligence) is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights. Bringing together data from across the enterprise into a single database and developing Power BI dashboards and reports to visualize and discover what’s important and share that with anyone or everyone resulted in a win for the client.

By prioritizing integration, centralization, and collaboration, the client was able to unlock the full potential of their data.

The Results

Integrating and centralizing siloed data can yield several advantages for organizations. Let’s explore some of these benefits:

  1. Centralized Data:

    • Integrating multiple business databases into a central database creates a single source of truth for your organization’s data. This centralized data repository ensures that everyone in your company can easily access the information they need without logging in to various software programs. As a result:
    • Workflows run more smoothly.
    • Processes become more efficient.
    • Employees and executives gain visibility into the entire enterprise.
  1. Automated Processes:

    • Integrating data across systems streamlines processes by automating manual tasks. With integration, processes become more efficient, reducing the risk of errors and saving time.
    • Automation also enhances productivity and frees employees to focus on more strategic tasks.
  1. Workflow Visualization:

    • Organizational siloes can lead to communication breakdowns, productivity lags, and frustrated users and customers. Integrating data breaks down these barriers and creates a unified view of processes across departments.
    • Visualizing workflows becomes easier, allowing teams to collaborate seamlessly. Whether it’s tracking orders, managing inventory, or handling customer inquiries, integrated data provides a holistic perspective, leading to better decision-making and improved customer satisfaction.

In summary, integrating and centralizing data not only breaks down silos but also enhances efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration within your organization. It’s a strategic move that can drive long-term success and agility.


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